Did you know that recent studies performed by the World Health Organisation, indicate that 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental illness at some stage in their lives?
We are facing a mental health crisis, and it is vital to educate ourselves on this issue. In this article, The Resilience Institute South Africa gives you 10 simple steps to create a foundation for mental wellbeing.
Understand the Root of Mental Illness
There are so many factors which can contribute to mental illness, including:
- Genetics
- Childhood trauma and experiences
- Stressful environments
- Personal Behaviour
- Traumatic events
- Isolation
Many of these factors, we have no control over, but recognising them as possible triggers is a step to becoming aware of your mental health. Learning how to handle adverse situations from an early age and the continued practice of resilience can act as protective barriers towards mental illness.
There are also mental illness contributors that we do have some control over. These include:
- Excessive time on social media
- Unhealthy lifestyle habits
- Limited time spent in nature
Know that Distress is Normal
It is very important to understand that feeling negative emotions after or during adverse events is completely normal. Just because you are feeling sad does not mean that you are going to slip into a deep depression.
Try to notice why you are feeling certain negative emotions, rather than bottling them away. What are these emotions telling you? Sadness tells you to reconnect with yourself. Fear tells you to find safety. Anger tells you to deactivate danger around you.
Negative emotions only become threats when they start to take over your life.
Realise that Recovery is Possible
A mental illness is not a death sentence. In today’s world, we have a fantastic selection of mental health professionals that can assist in your recovery to living a balanced lifestyle. Recovery is not just achievable, it is the standard result of most mental illness cases.
Recognise Anxiety
What happens to our body, mind and emotional state when we experience anxiety?
- Body- heart rate increases, breathing rate increases, blood flows to legs, increased adrenaline and cortisol levels increase.
- Emotional state- emotions such as fear and nervousness are felt. In extreme cases, shock and terror are felt.
- Mind- in a continuous state of worry.
If you recognise that you’re experiencing anxiety, you should try to counteract it by slowing your breathing, finding a safe space and moving your muscles. Redirect your attention. Look around for things that you can smell, touch, taste, and hear.
Recognise Depression
What happens to our body, mind and emotional state when we experience depression?
- Body- feelings of lethargy, unsupported posture, drooping head and eyes, crying.
- Emotional state- emotions such as disappointment, sadness, isolation and hopelessness are experienced.
- Mind- the thoughts run in patterns of blame, with a focus on the negative.
Recognising these symptoms should prompt you to look for comfort from friends and families. Dedicate time to exercising, spending time in nature and preparing healthy meals.
Master Bounce Back
Practising resilient methods will allow you to bounce back to your usual, high-functioning self, after facing adverse events, in very little time. Being able to bounce back will allow you to live a sustainable and balanced life.
Care for Your Body
Your body, mind and emotional state are all intricately linked. Taking care of your physical health can lay the ground work for good mental health. Ensure that you are getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising regularly and take time to relax and spend time in nature.
Nurture Positive Emotion
It is proven that positive emotions have the ability to improve your health. Focus on your positive emotions by nurturing and appreciating them. Practice kindness, compassion, gratitude, joy and passion.
Be Aware of Thoughts
Do not let your thoughts control you, instead attempt to control your thoughts by:
- Writing your thoughts down
- Deciding whether your thoughts are accurate or not
- Reframing your thoughts so that they are more productive
It is no use worrying over the same thing over and over again, so try and take action when these thoughts occur. Try and eliminate all thoughts that break down your personal worth.
Be Kind to Those Around You
Showing kindness to others has immense benefits for your own mental health. It takes you outside yourself, helps you to connect with others, and be more compassionate. Acts of kindness can be as small as smiling at a stranger or as big as starting a charity.
Interested in improving your mental fitness? The Resilience Institute can help you and your team become more resilience by our engaging, blended learning methods that yield sustainable and long lasting results.